Is Consolidation the Answer? - more thoughts
Posted June 25, 2008 8:52 AM
by Ted Jackson
It is hard to imagine Mergers and Acquisitions in the nonprofit sector--especially acquisitions. How much is a nonprofit worth? What would one nonprofit pay another one for its resources? Would there be hostile takeovers or poison pill structures? Probably not. Mergers, on the other hand, might be a good idea. I saw two articles referencing this on Monday of this week, in fact.
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Is Consolidation the Answer?
Posted June 24, 2008 7:25 PM
by Ted Jackson
The most recent study released by The Boston Foundation, "Passion & Purpose; Raising the Fiscal Fitness Bar for Massachusetts Nonprofits" is an excellent study of the nonprofit community in the commonwealth ( ).
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Ascendant is Sponsoring a Leadership Breakfast in Boston
Posted June 9, 2008 8:29 AM
by Ted Jackson
We are pleased to announce that we have begun inviting nonprofit leaders in the greater Boston area to attend an executive breakfast on managing performance with the Balanced Scorecard. Our keynote speaker is the Balanced Scorecard co-creator, David Norton. The breakfast will be on July 16, 2008.
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Survey of Foundations
Posted June 6, 2008 9:14 AM
by Ted Jackson
Ascendant is very interested in learning more about how foundations measure impact across their grantees. As a result, we created a simple survey for attendees of the Council on Foundations Leadership Summit last month. We are now opening up the suvey to foundations that come to our website
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Engaging Volunteers: Making it Relevant
Posted May 1, 2008 11:09 AM
by Dylan Miyake
A constant problem for many not-for-profit organizations is recruiting, engaging, and retaining volunteers. The volunteer labor force has a lot of benefits: it costs little and is typically passionate about the cause. But volunteers bring baggage, too: there's a lot of turnonver and retraining required and they typically have their own ideas (not all bad) on how to acheive the organization's objectives.
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Cross-Sector Collaboration
Posted March 2, 2008 3:10 PM
by Dylan Miyake
At Ascendant, we're very interested in how organizations in the not-for-profit space can work together to acheive mission results. And we're especially interested in how we can facilitate connections that would not ordinarily be made.
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